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Empowering ADHD Teens to Discover Their Strength
Your teen doesn’t need fixing. What they need is someone who sees their unique brain as a gift—not a flaw—and who respects their right to be part of their own healing. As someone who grew up without that kind of support, I know how much it matters.
You want the best for your teen—but ADHD has added stress, fear, and uncertainty to your parenting journey.
I’ve seen how overwhelming it is to watch your child struggle when you know how bright and capable they are.
As someone who grew up without support, I work to be the kind of guide I wish had existed for me—and the kind of steady, experienced presence you may be searching for now.
I’m not here to fix your teen. I’m here to walk beside them as they find their own way forward.
Just when teens are trying to figure out who they are and where they belong, they hear messages like:
“You’ll always struggle to focus.”
“You’ll never keep up.”
“There’s something wrong with you.”
These messages don’t just affect their grades—they shape their self-worth. I know. I lived it.
But those beliefs can be rewritten. That’s where this journey begins.
Today, I help teens release the stories ADHD has written in their minds. I help them discover their strength—and become the version of themselves they were always meant to be.
We talk over Zoom about what’s happening. No pressure, just possibilities.
If you’re comfortable, I meet your teen online in my Zoom room. They decide if they want to continue.
One or two focused sessions to discover and transform the root belief holding them back.
I’ve seen it happen. And I never stop being moved by it. Let’s begin with a simple conversation—one that respects your role and honors your teen’s voice.